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My two sons are all grown up now.我的两个儿子如今都已经长大成人

They are 32 and 27 years old this year.一个32岁,一个今年27岁了

Yet they both still have the minds of children.然而,在心智上他们都还像是孩子

Autism has limited their intellectual growth over the years多年来,孤独症限制了他们的智力发育

and they still need to be looked after他们仍需要被人看护

24 hours a day,一天24小时

7 days a week.一周7天

When I was a boy当我自己还是个小男孩的时候

the term used for people like my sons对那些症状和我儿子类似的人

was Mentally Retarded.人们惯用的说法是,智力发育迟缓

By the time I was an adult当我成为成年人之后

the term had switched to Mentally Handicapped.这种病症的说法变成了智力残疾


this was changed again to Mentally Challenged.称谓又变成了,智商收到挑战的人

None of these terms truly defined them, however.不过,这些说法都不能准确的定义他们

They are so much more than these labels.他们的人性比这些人格标签要丰富的多

These days如今

the newest term is最新的说法是

people with Special Needs.有特殊需要的人

I like this one better than the older ones,比起那些老旧的说法,我更喜欢这一个

because it is not only kinder因为它不仅更加友善

but more accurate.也更加准确

My sons do have Special Needs我的儿子们确实有特殊需要

but they also have Special Gifts.但他们也有特殊的天赋

My oldest boy may only be able to talk about certain things.我的大儿子或许只能说出关于特定事物的少数字词

Autism has limited his learning and interests.自闭症已经限制了他的学习能力和兴趣培养

But when he greets people by name但他也会记住亲友的名字,并且对他们打招呼

there is a contagious happiness in his mood and manner.他的情绪和性情里都有一种具有感染力的幸福感

He gives out love他会给予爱

and hugs far more freely than I do.他豪无挂碍的拥抱别人,比我更欣然如此

And he always leaves the people he meets feeling better.他总能让遇到他的人得到安慰

My youngest boy doesn’t speak much at all.我的小儿子少言寡语

He is lost in his own world most of the time.大多数时间,他都沉浸在自己的世界里

Sometimes he even has fits有时他会突然爆发情绪

where he will cry会哭闹

and hit himself.会打自己

But he also has an ability for laughter and joy但他也会欢笑,也有喜悦

that is far beyond anything I possess.这样的欢笑和喜悦比我拥有的任何东西都要珍贵


after he finishes crying当他哭完了

his happiness will immediately return他的幸福感也会立刻回来

where I would be lost in a mood for hours.而我则会接连几个小时沉浸在悲伤的情绪之中

In truth事实上

my two Special Needs sons我两个有特殊需要的儿子

have taught me more about how to live教会了我如何生活

and how to love如何去爱

than I could have ever learned on my own.比我自己一生所能学到的还要多

The fact is事实上

all of us in this life have Special Needs.生活中每一个人都有特殊的需要

All of us also have Special Gifts.每一个人都有特殊的天赋

It is up to us我们有义务

to share our Gifts.用自己的天赋与他人分享

It is up to us我们有义务

to meet each other’s Needs.满足彼此的需要

It is up to us我们有义务

to treat each other with kindness and love.用善意和爱对待对方


we are all one family here.我们是世界上的一家人

We are all Children of the same mother nature.我们都是大自然母亲的孩子

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


