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The supermarket, just like the subway or the airport , is a place where life unfolds in the most natural way. In fact, it captures the human experience so well, you can even sometimes feel as if you aren’t shopping, but watching a play.超市,就像地铁站或者机场一样,是芸芸众生展现自己最自然状态的地方。事实上,它对人们生活状态的展现是如此淋漓尽致,有时你甚至会觉得自己不是在购物,而是在观看一场戏剧。

There’s Sam from the Night’s Watch in the lead role of a cashier , a “Nana Slicer” on a shelf, competing for the most intense prop design award ever, and a couple getting married in the garden section at a local Walmart. So next time you walk into a store, view it as you would a Tony Award-winning improvisation, and I promise you, it’ll make the experience so much better. In the meantime, scroll down to check out this list by Bored Panda which includes the strangest moments in shopping history!刚值完夜班的Sam排在付款队伍的最前列,货架上有一个“娜娜切片机”,等着参加最劲爆道具设计奖的角逐赛,一对新人在沃尔玛的花园布景区里举行婚礼。下一次你走进一家超市的时候,可以当做自己正在观赏一场荣获托尼奖的即兴表演。我保证,你会获得非常好的观感体验。与此同时,来看看BoredPanda列出的清单吧,自超市诞生以来,最奇葩的场景都囊括其中了!


1 I Met This Gentleman At The Grocery Store Today And Asked If I Could Take A Photo Of Him我在超市看到了这位老先生,我问他我能不能给他拍张照片。

Blessings to this gentleman, and thanks to him for putting anti-vaxxers in their place!!!愿上帝保佑这位老先生,也感谢他让那些反对打疫苗的人明白自己的立场。


2 My Local Grocer Is Getting Pretty Creative With Their Soda Boxes我家附近的杂货店老板摆苏打水的时候简直创意爆棚。

That’s really genius, it takes a very creative mind even to think of doing something like that, specially with Soda bottles.老板真是天才,不是创意满满的脑瓜真想不出这样的设计,特别是用苏打水瓶子作为材料的!


3 I Was Going To Buy Some Chips When I Noticed This Little Guy我想买点薯片,然后就看到了这个小家伙!

Fluffy Cheese & Onion cat.洋葱奶酪味的喵胖子


4 Made My Week笑了一个星期

So I was at Walmart earlier一次我在沃尔玛购物

A lady was looking at frozen turkeys, but she couldn’t find one big enough.一个少妇在买冻火鸡,但是她找不到大的。

She asked the stock boy,”do these turkeys get any bigger?”她问管库存的男孩道:“这火鸡就不能再大点吗?”

He replied with a straight face, “No ma’am, they’re dead.”男孩一本正经的答道,“不能,女士,它们都已经死了。”

Made my week我足足笑了一个星期。


5 Brazilian Man In A Supermarket超市里的巴西人

If there’s a scoccer scout about they should sign him up如果附近有一个足球球探,球队真应该跟这个男人签约。


6 A Dad Being A Dad At A Supermarket一个

He looks like a funny dad, the one who makes his kids life hell and hilarious!他看上去像一个很有趣的老板,他一定会让孩子们一边受到恶搞,一边捧腹逗笑。


7 German Shepherd Helping His Hooman德国牧羊犬给他的主银帮忙

All they have to do is put a sundress and a hat on the pupper and no one would ever know!!!他们只需要给狗狗穿件背心裙,戴上草帽,绝不会有人认出来


8 Couple Goals成双成对

That’s cute. Going to do that at the supermarket next time we both go! Online supermarket shopping is SO boring in comparison!太萌啦!下次我们两个人一起去超市的时候我也要这样做!相比之下网购超市里的东西真是太无聊了!


9 “Come Eat With Us, Danny”来和我们一起吃吧,丹尼


10 So My Grandpa Saw Wilting Plants At Wal-Mart, and Started Watering Them (He Is Not A Employe)我爷爷看到沃尔玛的植物都蔫了,拿起壶就给它们浇水(他并不是沃尔玛的员工)


11.Showdown At The Supermarket超市里的生死较量!


12. Damn Illegal Aliens Stealing Our Jobs该死的外星非法移民,抢了我们的饭碗


13.Sometimes I Like To Go To IKEA And Pretend I’m In A Swedish Arthouse Film我喜欢偶尔逛逛宜家,假装自己正在参演一部瑞典艺术电影


14.Saw This Guy Sleeping In A Bodega In NYC在纽约一家潮流名所 Bodega 里发现了这个睡货


15.Walmart Has Some Terrifying Products. Nana Wasn’t Too Happy About It沃尔玛有些产品挺吓人的。奶奶不太喜欢这个东西


16.Looks Like Sam Didn’t Make The Cut At The Citadel 看起来Sam在大碉堡里被困住啦


17.Wear The Same Color Shirt As Apple Store Staff And You Can Recommend Android Phones For A Few Hours Before They Kick You Out和苹果直营店的员工穿同款颜色的T恤,你可以在店里向顾客推荐安卓系统的手机,直到几小时之后,他们把你踢出去


18.I Found This In The Seafood Department Of My Local Supermarket我在家附近的超市海鲜区发现了这条鱼


19.Lady And Her Cat老妇人与她的猫


20. Khajiit Has Wares If You Have Coin猫人有货,你有硬币吗?



关于作者: 英语学习网小编


