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I wouldn’t say我不能说

I’m particularly rich by societies standards,依据现有的社会标准,自己是个很富裕的人

but on the front of wealth但对于另一种财富

measured by experience and valuable lessons,既,经验和宝贵的教训积累的财富上

I would consider myself very wealthy.我认为自己十分富有

On another hand另一方面

I would rather say “grateful”.我应该说自己很感恩

I have almost completely lost interest对某些事情,我差不多完全失去了兴趣

in exploring for what I can see,比如探索自己眼前的小世界

and I have discovered far more beauty另一方面,我探索到了更多的美好

lying beneath the surface of the people all around me.它们就蕴藏在我身边的人心灵深处

Traveling as I am,我一直在旅行

staying in each place每个地方都是短暂停留

for an average of six months平均只有6个月

has enabled me这让我能够

to not only see the beauty of the place lying on the surface,不仅看到地表上的风光美景

but also the glories and riches还能看到荣光和富饶

embedded in the cultures它们蕴藏在风土文化之中

built by the people dwelling in them.而风土文化则是栖居在这里的人们创造的

The call to travel旅行和探索的召唤

is definitely one that has addressed my heart unignorably.无意是一种深达我心,无可忽略的想法

But not just for the sights但并不仅仅是为了当地风光

and the sounds of what is foreign,也不是为了陌生的乡音

but for the hearts of the people there而是为了探索当地人的心灵

and their stories.探索他们的故事

I would definitely say that我会笃定地说

these gems这些瑰宝

-some call nothing MORE than stories-有些仅仅是称为“故事”

are what I find MOST valuable.是我觉得最为宝贵的东西

My soft heart leaps from my chest我柔软的心脏似乎要从胸腔里跳出来

with every tale随着每个故事

of every real person每个人

I have had such an amazing opportunity to meet我能遇到他们,这是多么奇妙的机缘;

One broken其中一个讲述的是破碎的心

and left out to dry这颗心被弃置一旁,兀自枯竭

by the man she gave her purest love to,这是一颗女子的心,抛弃他的是她奉献出自己最纯真的爱的男子


recklessly passionate一个激情澎湃,不顾一切

and inspiringly unstoppable所向睥睨,十分励志

in his pursuit for what drives him,追求自己心之所向的男孩

yet another还有一个故事

overflowing with wisdom gained by experiences故事的主角阅历丰富,充满智慧

many of us could not even bare the thought我们中许多人想也不敢想

of encountering ourselves.自己会遇到那样的事情

Yet these stories are unknown可是,这些故事鲜为人知

and left hidden被遗弃,被掩没

beneath the lack of an accepting world.因为世界缺少包容之心

Often greeted by disregard and disvalue,又常被忽略,常被贬损

shunned by society被社会摒弃

and left to be ignored被丢在一旁无人问津

for their lack因为它们缺少

of conformity to what the masses would call publicly acceptable.对乌合之众公认的价值观的确证

Now uncovered by a willing heart eager to find them,现在却有一颗心渴求着发现它们,让它们重见天日

I call them beautiful.我觉得它们美极了


I do not disvalue those对那些人我亦并不小觑

that join the ranks of the disapproving masses!那些人会投身到轻视故事的大众之中,但这无关紧要


I also find you beautiful.我认为你也十分美好

Among you在你们中间

are some of the most beautiful souls one can find.有些万中挑一的最美丽的心灵

I find these stories adrift among我发现,这些故事会漂流

the angry, the joyful,从愤然的声音中,从喜悦的赞美中

the judgmental , the accepted,从指指点点中,从包容接纳之中

the broken, the proud,从心灵破碎的人中间,从骄傲自豪的人中间

the loved and the hated.从被爱的人中间,被憎恨的人中间

With every beating heart随着倾听者心脏的搏动

and the legend left by those随着那些被人们遗忘的传说

that beat on with in each of us,那些传说同样在我们每个人心里跳动

there lies a beauty那是一种美

that cannot be summed in words,不能被言辞概括

but by thehumbled eye,却能被谦卑的目光接纳


Behold this beauty for yourself,为自己,见证这种美好吧

and I guarantee you,我向你保证

We ARE the beauty of this world.我们正是这世间的美好啊

Together, apart,无论是团聚还是分离

united, divided,无论团结一心还是相互隔绝

in greatness and awe,无论你是身份尊贵,受人敬仰

in brokenness and shamed…还是贫贱卑微,遭受唾弃


are the beauty of this world.就是这世间的美好

YOU are the priceless gems你,就是无价的珍宝

that make our world worthy.你让世界成为更有价值的地方


the sum of all that is good包括你身上所有好的品质

and all that is bad within you加上你身上所有坏的缺点

that makes you who you are…他们让你成为你自己

YOU are WORTHY.你值得被命运恩宠

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


