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A group of rafters have emerged from a 25-day trip in the Grand Canyon to learn the coronavirusoutbreak has turned into a global pandemic.一群漂流者在大峡谷旅行了25天,才了解到新冠肺炎已经变成了全球大流行的疾病。

Californiaman Zach Edler, 27, Mason Thomas, 29, and SarahKnaack, are some of a group that were blissfully unaware of how COVID-19 haschanged the way of life in America and other parts of the world, while theystayed off the grid from February 19 to March 14.27岁的加州男子Zach Edler,29岁的Mason Thomas和Sarah Knaack就在这群人之中,从2月19日到3月14日他们都“置身事外”,幸运地没有意识到COVID-19是如何改变了美国和世界其他地方的生活方式。

Whilethe friends are concerned for loved ones and the devastation going on in theworld, in some ways they wish they could go back to blissful ignorance.当朋友们都在关心所爱的人和世界上正在发生的灾难时,某种程度上他们希望他们能重新回到幸福的无知中。

They only learned about the panicshopping and business closures from another guide upon completion of thejourney in Arizona.他们在亚利桑那州旅行结束后,才从另一位导游那里得知了恐慌购物和企业关门的消息。

‘He gave us a look, sighed,and then launched into it,’ Elder explained. ‘Half of us thought he was joking.It’s like, here’s an old river guide pulling our leg. I mean, I’ve heard somepretty big tales out on the river.’“他看了我们一眼,叹了口气,然后就开始说。”Elder解释说:“我们中有一半人认为他在开玩笑。就像是一个老向导在跟我们开玩笑,我是指我听说过一些关于这条河流的传说。”

Knaack,who is a nurse, described a feeling of ‘disbelief’ but says the women on thetrip recognized that it was not a prank, sooner than the men.Knaack是一名护士,她觉得“难以置信”,但她说,同一旅途里的女性比男性更早意识到这不是恶作剧。

Stillthey didn’t realize the extent to which the pandemic had affected their usuallives.但他们仍没有意识到疫情在多大程度上影响了他们的日常生活。

‘Ithink the girls believed it right away,’ Knaack told the Times. ‘He said it inthis real ominous way but then he just walked away to see about lunch and wewere left nervously joking with ourselves totally unsure what was going on.’“我觉得女士们马上就相信了。”Knaack告诉《泰晤士报》:“他用一种非常不吉利的方式说了这句话,然后他就走开去解决午饭的事情了,我们都紧张地互开玩笑,完全不知道发生了什么。”

Bulkbuying consumers have been urged by President Trump not to buy so many productsthat it leaves those in need without. Leaders all over the globe have reassurednations there’s enough to go around and that retailers are working hard torestock at the rate of demand as people prepare to bunker down for some weeks.特朗普总统敦促疯狂囤货的消费者不要购买太多的产品,以免真正需要的人面临商品短缺。全球各地的领导人都向各国保证,有足够的库存可供分配,且零售商正努力按需补充库存,因为人们都在为之后的几周囤货。

Sportsgames and other events have been canceled as states ban public gatherings oflarge groups.由于各州禁止大规模的公众集会,体育比赛和其他活动已经被取消。

Thomassaid the moment he realized the pandemic level was when they first receivedcell phone service outside of the canyon and a text came through from his mother.Thomas说,他意识到疫情的那一刻,是他们第一次在峡谷外有手机信号时,收到了来自他母亲的一条短信。

‘Thefirst one was from my mom,’ Thomas said. ‘It was like, “You need to textme the second you get this. The world is going crazy.”‘ She’simmunocompromised so I was definitely worried.’“第一条是我妈妈发来的。”托马斯说:“短信里说‘你一收到这个就得给我发短信,这个世界快疯了。’她有免疫缺陷,所以我很担心。”

Headded: ‘We’re sitting here trying to piece the world together. What does atoilet paper shortage mean? Why are they out of toilet paper?’他补充说:“我们都坐在这里试图重新认识这个世界。卫生纸短缺是什么意思?为什么厕纸用完了?”

Thereality was evident when the friends stopped off at a hotel for the nightand  staff were being protective of tissue rolls that have been scarce insome supermarkets around the world.现实是显而易见的,当这些人在酒店过夜时,员工们都在保护卫生纸,这在世界各地的一些超市里已经是稀缺品了。

‘Thelady at the hotel was like, “We have toilet paper; just don’t stealit.” And the TV was showing some sports game from the ’80s or somethingand it was this reminder that, “Oh, everything’s canceled”,’ Ms.Knaack said.Knaack说:“酒店的女士说:‘我们有卫生纸,但你们千万别偷。’电视上播放着80年代的体育比赛之类的节目,提醒着我们:‘哦,一切都取消了。’

‘It’s like, “How’d we go from paradise to hoarding rice and beans?” Shesaid [en]that after another rafter accessed Amazon.com on their phone to search fortoilet roll and it wasn’t available: ‘That was a moment where it felt prettyreal.’“这就像是,‘我们是如何从天堂跌落到囤积大米和豆子的?’”她说后来又有一名同行者在手机上登陆亚马逊网站搜索卫生纸,但发现已经买不到了。“那是一个让人感觉非常真实的时刻。”

Take-outand drive-thru restaurant use is being encouraged to prevent the spread ofcoronavirus and restrictions as tightening by the day.为了防止新冠病毒的传播,人们鼓励外卖和得来速形式的餐厅,限制措施日益严格。

It’sa similar experience to Jared Leto, who has been left stunned afteremerging from a 12-day desert retreat to discover the spread of coronavirus hasnow become a global pandemic.贾里德·莱托也有类似的经历,他在沙漠中冥想了12天之后,突然发现新冠病毒已经成为全球流行病,这让他大吃一惊。

The48-year-old Oscar winner was shocked to learn that much of the world was takingextreme measures to fight COVID-19, with countless people self-isolating athome.这位48岁的奥斯卡奖得主震惊地发现,世界上很多地方都在采取极端措施来对抗COVID-19,无数人在家里自我隔离。

TheHollywood star shared his thoughts on social media shortly after being reunitedwith his smartphone.在拿到智能手机后不久,这位好莱坞明星就在社交媒体上分享了自己的想法。

‘Wow.12 days ago I began a silent meditation in the desert. We were totallyisolated. No phone, no communication etc. We had no idea what was happeningoutside the facility,’ he began.他说:“哇,12天前我开始在沙漠里冥想。我们完全与世隔绝,没有电话,没有通讯之类的。我们不知道外面发生了什么。”

‘Walkedout yesterday into a very different world. One that’s been changed forever.Mind blowing – to say the least. I’m getting messages from friends and familyall around the globe and catching up on what’s going on.“昨天我们出来,就走进了一个完全不同的世界,一个永远改变了的世界,至少可以用震撼心灵来形容。我正收到世界各地的朋友和家人的消息,了解最新的情况。”

Leto’s 4.3 million Twitter followers wouldn’t have known that he was incommunicado, as he had multiple tweets scheduled to post while he was silently meditating.莱托推特上的430万名粉丝并不知道他与世隔绝,因为他提前安排了在冥想的时候发布的好几条推文。


关于作者: 英语学习网小编


