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a pat on the back?拍拍你,原来是夸夸你!


1. compliment



动词短语是pay someone a compliment:

He complained that his husband never paid him any compliments anymore.她抱怨说丈夫再也不赞美她了。

接受别人的赞美可以说I take it/that as a compliment:

I take it as a compliment when people say I look like my mother.当人们说我长得像我母亲的时候,我觉得很高兴。

寻求表扬可以用fish for:

Are you fishing for compliments?你这是在寻求表扬吗?

另外,compliment也有动词用法,搭配的介词是on,也就是compliment sb on sth。

I was just complimenting Robert on his wonderful food.我刚才在夸罗伯特做的饭菜特棒。

2. acclaim


Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.虽然这部小说在评论界赢得一片叫好之声,但并不畅销。

She was universally/widely/publicly acclaimed for her contribution to the discovery.她对此发现做出的贡献赢得了普遍/广泛/众口一词的赞誉。

3. applaud


He should be applauded for his courage.他应该因其勇气而受到称赞。

4. flatter

flatter常指用超乎实际的过分话语奉承某人,不是一个积极向的词语,别人奉承你是为了让你喜欢高兴,或者别有目的。面对别人的夸赞,你可以回答说I’m flattered。


That new hairstyle really flatters her.那个新发型让她显得漂亮多了。


5. a pat on the back称赞,赞扬

I got a pat on the back from (= was praised by) my boss.我得到了老板的称赞。

6. put in a good word for sb为(某人)美言,说(某人)的好话

I really need a job and I was hoping you might put in a good word for me with your boss.我真的需要一份工作,所以希望你能在你老板面前为我美言几句。

7. sing someone’s/something’s praises赞赏

The review in the paper sings the movie’s praises.报纸上的影评对这部电影赞不绝口。

8. extol someone’s / something’s virtues夸耀

She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.她总在夸耀自己家孩子的优点。

9. pay tribute to sb/sth赞扬,称赞

The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze.部长高度赞扬了奋力扑灭大火的勇士们。

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


