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What does it take to lead a fulfilling life?如何才能过有意义的一生?

Duke Today asked faculty, staff and alumni to share advice with this year’s graduating class. Here are 13 of their responses.杜克大学网站请该校的师资,教工和校友都提提建议,好送给这一年的毕业生。以下是他们说的13条建议。

1.Give back回报他人

“Give back—serve from a sense of gratitude.””回报他人——出于一颗感恩之心。”

2.Be true to yourself and willing to learn做自己但也要善于学习

“Be true to yourself. Be willing to learn and to be coachable.””对自己真实。愿意学习,谦虚取教。”

3“Inspirations  come from reading.灵感来自于阅读

3.“Read outside of your chosen field, read broadly, read enthusiastically. Creativity is a necessary life skill and some inspirations will come from unexpected sources.”“阅读专业领域之外的书,博览涉略,带着热情阅读。创造力是生活中的一项必备技能,而灵感往往来自你意想不到的地方。”

 4.“Be generous to other people.”“对他人慷慨。”

5.Embrace ambiguity拥抱不确定性

 “Don’t be afraid to diverge from your ‘plan’. Embrace ambiguity. The uncertain and what may appear high risk in relationships, jobs and life is usually very cool and worthwhile.”“别害怕自己的生活轨迹偏离你的‘计划’。坦然接受那些模棱两可的处境,无论是情感,事业还是生活,不确定的处境和看似危机的情况往往能成为出彩的经历,让你受益良多。”

6. Challenge yourself挑战自我

6.“Find a place where you can be challenged. Ask yourself: Am I proud of my work?”找到那些可以挑战自己的事物。问问自己:我对自己努力的成果是不是很骄傲?

7.Educated ≠ Smart读过书不等于有智慧

“Never confuse being educated with being smart.”“永远不要把受过教育和有智慧两者相混淆。”

8.Stop and Look back停下来,总结一下

“As you move forward into the next stage of your life, do not forget to stop and look back to discover the meaning of where you have been. That will help you better understand who you are, where you may be heading, and how you can get there.”“当你迈向人生的新阶段时,别忘了停下来、总结回顾一下,想想你所走过的旅程意义何在。这样做能让你更好的懂得你是谁,你将去往何处,你如何才能到达那里。”

9.Learn to reframe rejection重新理解别人的否定

“Learn to reframe rejection. Whether you’re working towards a leadership position or building a company, people will frequently tell you no. Instead of seeing it as a shutdown, look at it as an opportunity to figure out why. Are you asking the wrong person? Have you not yet demonstrated you can handle the new responsibility? Over time, ‘no’ becomes just another opportunity to wait, learn and try again.”“学着重新理解别人对你的否定,无论是想升职跻身领导层,还是白手起家创业发展,在这个过程中人们会频频的对你表示否定。不要因此而放弃,而是要借此机会,想想人们为什么否定你。是不是你没找到关键的人物?是不是你还没有将自己驾驭新职位的能力充分展现出来?假以时日,“你不行”就会变成一个新机会,让你静候佳音,从中学习,再接再厉。”

10.Respect people over job titles尊重人本身而不是职位头衔

“Respect people over job titles. Everyone’s life has meaning.”“尊重人本身,而不是他的职位头衔。每个人的人生都是有意义的。”

11.Relationships bring more satisfaction结交亲友乃大乐

“You will get the more satisfaction about the relationships you form than from the things you acquire.”“个人成就之乐不如结交亲友之乐。”

12.Tomorrow will be a blur明天总是模糊不清的

“People always obsess over big decisions (e.g., which job/ position to accept), but really, tomorrow will always be a blur. Plan with calmness, and then take the leap in the direction you think is best, knowing that there will rarely be a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but just a choice that leads to the next steps of life.”“人们总是对重大的抉择尤其重视(比如要接受哪份工作),然而事实上,未来往往是模糊不清的。带着冷静的态度计划未来,然后选择你觉得正确的方向,卖出大胆的一步,要懂得人生少有‘对’,‘错’之分,只有一个个不同的选择,引导你走向人生的下一个阶段。”

13.Pay close attention留意当下,这就是你的人生

“Pay close attention. This is your life.”“留意当下,这就是你的人生。”


关于作者: 英语学习网小编


