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fragility [frə’dʒɪlɪtɪ] 

n. 脆弱;易碎性


Artificial intelligence is already making great strides forward, but taking it to the next level might require a more drastic approach. According to two researchers, we could try giving AI a sense of peril and the fragility of its own existence.人工智能已经取得了巨大的进步,但要把它提升到新的层次,可能需要采取更极端的方式。两位研究人员表示,我们可以尝试赋予人工智能一种危机感,让它们感知到自身存在的脆弱性。

For now, the machines we code don’t have a sense of their own being, or the need to fight for life and for survival, as we humans do. If those feelings were developed, that might give robots a better sense of urgency.目前我们编码的机器没有关乎自身的存在感,也不像我们人类那样需要为生存而战。如果它们的这些感觉被开发出来,可能会让机器人更有紧迫感。

The idea is to instil a sense of homeostasis – that need to balance conditions, whether that’s the temperature of an environment, or the need for food and drink, that are required to ensure survival.这一设想是为了(给人工智能)灌输一种自我平衡的意识,也就是需要平衡各种条件,包括环境温度以及确保生存所需的食物和饮料 。

That would in turn give AI engines more of a reason to improve their behaviours and better themselves, say neuroscientists Kingson Man and Antonio Damasio from the University of Southern California.南加州大学神经系统科学家金森·曼和安东尼奥·达玛西奥表示,这会促进人工智能提高行为能力,并完善自身 。

“In a dynamic and unpredictable world, an intelligent agent should hold its own meta-goal of self-preservation, like living organisms whose survival relies on homeostasis: the regulation of body states aimed at maintaining conditions compatible with life,” write Man and Damasio in their published paper.曼和达玛西奥在他们发表的论文中写道:“在一个不断变化且不可预测的世界里,一个智能体应该拥有自我保护的基本目标,就像生物体的生存依赖于体内平衡一样:调整身体状态以维持与生存相容的条件。”

In short, we’re talking about giving robots feelings. Making them care might make them better in just about every aspect, and it would also give scientists a platform to investigate the very nature of feelings and consciousness, say Man and Damasio.总之,我们说的就是让机器人拥有感觉。曼和达马西奥表示,让它们有了心事可能会让它们在各方面都变得更好,这也会为科学家提供一个研究情感和意识本质的平台。



fragility [frə’dʒɪlɪtɪ] 

n. 脆弱;易碎性


Is tear a sign of fragility?眼泪是脆弱的标志吗?




His overall health remained fragile.总体来看,他的身体依然虚弱。

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


