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I woke up in a bad mood this morning.今天早上我起床时情绪不佳

I’d had a fitful night’s sleep昨晚我睡得断断续续

and my bad back was sorer and tighter than ever.我的背比任何时候都酸痛僵硬

My shoulder was starting to feel just as sore too.我的肩膀也同样开始疼起来

I tried to stretch them out我试着伸展肩膀

to no avail却无法完成这个动作

and stumbled into the bathroom.歪歪扭扭的走到浴室里

I looked in the mirror我看着镜子

and saw the pain on my face.看到自己脸上写满了痛苦

I certainly wasn’t looking any younger either.当然,我也看上去更加苍老了

My hair was now mostly gray我的头发如今差不多全白了

and mostly gone on top.顶上都快秃了

I was getting more and more age spots on my face.我脸上的老年斑越来越多

My wrinkles were deeper than ever.我的皱纹也从没有这样深过

The enamel was worn out on my teeth.我的陶瓷牙在慢慢褪去

I’d recently had to get a stronger pair of glasses.最近我还得去配一副度数更高的老化眼镜

My skin was thinner.我的皮肤也越来越薄

My toenails were thicker.指甲越来越厚

I griped to myself about it all.我把这些统统用在对自己发牢骚上了

“Why do our bodies start to wear out为什么我们的身体会开始衰老

just when we finally learn how to live?”恰恰在我们刚刚学会应该如何生活的时候

I asked.我问自己

Life in its infinite patience and unconditional love answered me quite quickly.生活以它无限的耐心和无条件的爱很快就回答了我的问题


I felt this thought drop into my mind,我感到一个想法落入心间

 “The car you drive isn’t as important as the person behind the wheel!”“你开着怎样的车并不像驾驶室里的人那样重要!”

I smiled at that我听了会心一笑

because I’d had so many old, used cars in my life.因为在我的生活中,我曾有过许多老旧,不听使唤的车

They all had “personality”.它们都很有“个性”

They all had quirks, troubles, and problems.它们都有怪癖,有自己的困难和问题

They all required patience and repair.它们都需要耐心和维修

But they always got me where I was going.但它们总能把我带到我要去的地方

Now that现在

my body was starting to wear down,我的身体也开始衰落


and backfire回火

Life was reminding me that但生活正提醒我

I wasn’t that body.这身体并不是我的全部

I was the driver inside of it.我是它内部的驾驶员

I was the bright, shining soul within.我是它内部智慧,闪光的灵魂

I was the spirit我是那股精神

that was both ageless and eternal.永葆青春,永远存在

And while my car wasn’t going to last forever,尽管身体这辆旧车不会永远存在

the driver was.驾驶员却可以

Take good care of this body you drive around then.所以,请好好保养你代步的这辆“车”吧

Nurture it.滋养它

Keep it in good repair.定期维护让它状态良好

Make it last as long as you can.尽力让它维持的久一些

But always remember it isn’t you.但始终记住,它并不是全部的 “你”

You are the person behind the wheel.你是驾驶室里的那个驾驶员

You are the loving soul within.你是内部那个心怀爱意的灵魂

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


