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双语阅读:父亲节 我收到最珍贵的礼物

I am so thankful我心怀感恩

that there are still kind and helpful people in the world.为着世界上仍有善良,乐于助人的人存在

I pulled into the gas station那天,我把车开进加油站

to get gas and a drink想去给车加油,顺便喝一杯

Thursday morning那是周四的早晨

on my way to work.我正在去上班的路上

Well, then I noticed that my tire was flat.正在此时,我注意到一个车轮憋了

The guy behind the counter was gonna help,柜台后面的工作人员想要帮忙

but he couldn’t leave the store.但他不能从店里走开

I walked outside我走到外面

and just asked a total stranger.向一个陌生人请求帮助

He jumped right into action.他立刻开始给我帮忙了

He did the dad thing他就像教导自己的孩子一样

and taught me how to change a tire.教我怎么换轮胎

We talked我们相互交谈

while he changed my tire.他帮我换了轮胎

I told him I was a preschool teacher.我告诉他,我是一个学前班的老师

He changed my tire,他帮我换了轮胎

I thanked him and went to work.我对他表示感谢,然后就去上班了

I’m not sure what I would have done without the help from a stranger.如果没有这个陌生人的帮助,我真不知道自己能做什么

Later that morning,那天稍晚的时候

my supervisor took a call at work for me.我的管理者为我接了一个电话

It was the nice gentleman that changed my tire.打电话来的竟然是帮我换轮胎的好心人

He called around school locations looking for me!!他就在我们学校附近,正在找我!

He said that he thought about me all the way to work and worried.他说,自己在去上班的路上一路都在想着我,他有些担心

He found my work place.他找到了我工作的地址

And spoke with my supervisor.打电话来跟我的上级说话

He told her that he wanted to buy me a tire!他告诉她,他想要为我买一只新轮胎

It was amazing!!!太令人惊讶了!

I’m so thankful!!我感激不已!

My supervisor took the call我的上级接听了电话

and he said he wanted me to meet him at Walmart today他说,他想要和我见面,今天,在沃尔玛

at 2 on Sunday.星期天,下午2点

So, I get to Walmart today.所以,我今天去了沃尔玛

Father’s Day.在父亲节这一天

And this nice man was there.陪伴着我的是这位好心的绅士

He kept his word!!他信守了自己的承诺!

It was an amazing gesture他给我的帮助多么慈爱

that he was not obligated to do,其实他并没有义务做这些

but did it out of the kindness of his heart!却出于心中的善意这样做了!

I thought he was just gonna get one tire,我以为他会为我买一只轮胎

but ended up getting 4 tires!!!结果,他给我买了4个!

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


