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双语美文:无论什么年龄 都要乘风破浪

I am writing this piece我之所以写下这篇文章

after reading a writing from a celebrity是因为看了一位明星写下的一段话

that was encouraging young people to take their lives seriously大意是告诫年轻人一定要珍惜光阴

between the age of 18 and 25特别是在18岁至25岁之间

because (as she suggested )因为(据她所说)

at the age of 30,到了而立之年

anyone must have something to show as an achievement.每个人都应该有所成就

I felt the inspiration我感觉到她激励后生的用意

but I further felt an unnecessary pressure却更感觉到一种莫名的压力

as soon as she brought the 30 years age,特别是她提出30岁这个年龄界限

I felt like我觉得

it is the root cause of some people’s depression.这就是很多人深陷抑郁的根源所在

We grasp most things that influential people say对公众人物所说的话,我们总是照单全收

because they are our role models.因为他们是我们的行为偶像

That is why这也就是为什么

they need to think deeply before they do or say anything.公众人物在做出任何举动或说出任何话之前都应该深思熟虑

I encourage people to work hard我鼓励人们努力工作

to make positive changes in their lives在他们的生活中做出积极的改变

without being made to feel ashamed of their age.而不是受到他人的影响,对自己的年龄感到羞愧

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


