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When I was in high school I remember just having a bad day.我记得那是我上高中的时候,我刚度过了十分糟糕的一天。

I went to boarding school up north and I was in my 3rd period science class.我在北方一所住宿学校读书,正在上第三趟科学课。

I don’t know what set me off, but I just bursted out crying.我记不得是什么事情触发了我的情绪,只记得自己突然痛哭流涕。

I got up and left the classroom, 我从座位上站起来,跑出了教室。

my teacher saw me but didn’t try to stop me.老师看着我离开,却没有阻止我。

Later that afternoon I went to my dorm room下午的时候,我回到宿舍

and when I looked on my desk I saw a card from my teacher我看向书桌,发现一张老师写给我的卡片

and it said something along the lines of卡片上有一行字,是这样写的

“I don’t what is happening in your life right now but it gets better and we care about you -from Mr. Moore”.”我不知道你现在遇到了什么烦心事,但我相信一切都会好起来的,我们都很关心你。——Moore先生。“

It was one of the sweetest things that he could have done.再没有比这更让我感动的事情了

I’m 25 now如今我已经25岁了

and I still think about that small act of kindness and how much it meant to me我还会想起那天老师对我表达的小小关怀,我仍感到它对我意义重大。

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


