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What is the best profession? 你认为最好的职业是什么?


获得672好评的回答@Marcus Monteiro

Computer Programmer! You get paid to solve puzzles and learn stuff. You know what I like to do in my free time? Solve puzzles and learn stuff!电脑程序员!你通过解决难题、学习来获薪。你知道我平常都在干嘛了吧?解决难题还有学习。


获得168好评的回答@Hao Peiqiang:

A programmer of course.当然是一名程序员。

Low entry barriers门槛低。

Low material needs物质需求低。

Long career: If you want, you can keep your career as long as possible.工作生涯长。只要你想,你可以一直工作下去。

A lot of needs: The world is rapidly changing. Everything will be connected to the internet. There are a lot of needs of programmers.需求多。世界在快速变化,一切都将与互联网息息相关,很多方面都需要程序员。


获得105好评的回答@Udit Raizada:

1.Paradise island caretaker天堂岛的看护者。

2.Luxury bed tester奢侈床测试员。

3. Resort waterslide tester娱乐场水滑道测试员。


获得428好评的回答@Vijay Chidambaram:

When you do something you love and are good at, and someone will pay you to do it! 当你做着自己喜欢并且擅长的事,并且有人愿意付你工资。



关于作者: 英语学习网小编


