您的位置 首页 初中英语培训


方位介词的英语是prepositions of place,prepositions或 position preposition。英语中表示事物存在的方向和位置的介词被称为方位介词。


英 [ˌprɛpəˈzɪʃən]  美 [ˌprɛpəˈzɪʃən]

n. 介词


There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.语法规则中没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。



英 [pleɪs]  美 [pleɪs]

n. 住所;座位;场所;地方;名次;社会地位;位;职位


1. the place where …的地方

2. place of birth 出生地

3. place of work 工作地点

4. at sb’s place 在某人家

5. to lose your place 找不到读到哪里;忘了看到哪儿

6. to put sth back in its place 把某物放回原位

7. to occupy an important place in sth 在…中占有重要地位

8. to put sth in place 使…就位;部署…

9. to take second place to sth 让位于…


The place where I am standing is only 300 metres from the site of the crash.我站的地方离撞车地点只有300米。

We were looking for a place to camp.我们在寻找一个露营的地方。

My father was in the army, so we moved from place to place when I was growing up.我父亲以前在军队工作,因此从小到大我们总是不停地搬家。

She put the CD back in the wrong place.她把光盘放回去时放错地方了。

There are a lot of interesting places to visit.有好多有趣的地方可以游览。


v. 放置;投资;任命;名列前茅


1. to place your hand on sth 把手放在某物上

2. to place sb/sth at risk 使…处于危险之中

3. to place sth on sb 把…加到某人身上

4. to place sth above sth;to place sth before sth;to place sth over sth 认为…高于…

5. to be placed first 名列第一

6. to be placed 获得名次

7. to be placed 有安排

8. to place an order for sth with sb 向某人订购某物

9. to place sb with sb 安排某人由…照料;将某人安置于…


Place the card face down on the table.把卡片正面朝下放在桌子上。

I was placed next to Colonel Pickering at the dinner table.我被安排在皮克林上校旁边的餐桌位置就座。

I placed myself very carefully so that I had a good view of both entrances.我小心翼翼地把自己挪到能清楚看见两个门口的地方。

The security services have been placed on full alert.安保部门已进入全面戒备状态。

They have considerable reserves and so are better placed than we are.他们有雄厚的资金储备,因此比我们有优势。

Can you find a place for that dish in the cupboard?你能在碗柜里找个地方放那只盘子吗?

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


