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Her name is Lynne,她的名字叫Lynne

I first met Lynne我第一次遇到Lynne

through an animal rescue是通过一个动物救援项目

my wife and I volunteer for,我和妻子在其中担当志愿者

Lynne is the cat coordinatorLynne是猫群的协调员

but also basically runs the rescue,但救援项目大体上是由她来掌控的

her house is always full of cats她家里总是住满了猫咪

in need of homes它们都无家可归

and she routinely does collections of food,她会定期去采购猫粮

picks up more cats in need etc寻找更多需要帮助的猫咪等等

this in itself is a full time job这实际上是一项全职工作

(all volunteered no payment)所有的志愿者都没有报酬

but that’s not all,但还不仅如此

Lynne doesn’t just foster animalsLynne不仅救援动物

she also fosters babies too也会收养孤儿

until they find a permanent family,直到他们找到固定的家

she does this with the help of her adopted daughter她与自己收养的女儿一同做着这项事业

(yes she’s a parent too)是的,她也是一个母亲

and again as if this wasn’t enough,如果你觉得这还不够

she makes her income我要告诉你,她挣钱的本职工作

as a sign language interpreter.是手语口译者

I’ve met some amazing people in my life在生活中,我遇到过许多令人惊叹的人

but none quite like her但没有人像她一样

and I feel like我觉得

she deserves some recognition 她应该得到更多人的赞誉

for everything she does.为她做过的每一件事

It shows这些事情告诉我们

you that human decency isn’t dead人性中的温情并未泯灭

and there are still good people in this world.世界上仍然有许多好人


关于作者: 英语学习网小编


