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“Come, writers and critics who prophecise with your pen.“来吧,用笔预言的作家和批评家们。

And keep your eyes wide.请睁大你们的双眼。

The chance won’t come again.机会不会再来。

And don’t speak too soon, for the wheel is still in spin.不必太快做出结论,因为车轮仍在飞驰。

And there’s no telling who that it’s naming, for the loser now will be later to win.谁会青史留名,还未可知,因为此刻的失败者将在未来胜利。

For, the times, they are changing.”因为,时代正在改变。”

This is the lyrics of one of Bob Dylan’s song – The Times They Are a-Changin’这是鲍勃·迪伦的一首歌《时代正在改变》里的歌词。

And this was what Steve Jobs read to the board of Apple in 1984 when he presented Mac to them for the first time.这也是史蒂夫·乔布斯在1984年第一次向苹果公司董事会呈现Mac机时朗读的文字。

And what happened after that are well known by us all.而这之后发生的事,我们都太熟悉了。

Apple achieved great success and changed our life.苹果取得了巨大的成功,也改变了我们的生活。

But in those years, few people believed in Jobs.但在那个年代,没有多少人对乔布斯有信心。

They saw him as an idealistic young man without any experience or common sense.在他们眼里,他是一个理想主义的小年轻,既没有经验,也没有常识。

But what do we see now?但我们现在看到的是什么?

You don’t know who those men are. But you know Jobs.你根本就不知道那些人是谁,但你知道乔布斯。

The world has never been built by common minds.这个世界从来就不是由流俗之人建立的。

It is built by generation after generation of crazy minds.它是由一代又一代疯子建立的。

So if you ever find yourself not seeing the world in the ways that your friends see it in, don’t panic.所以,如果你发现自己看世界的方式和朋友们都不一样,别惊慌。

A different point of view is powerful.一个不一样的视角蕴含着强大的力量。

Don’t just look away.不要急着把目光移开。

Find your inner strength in it.你应该在里面寻找你自己的内在力量。

You may be the next one to make a difference.或许,你就是下一个改变世界的人。



关于作者: 英语学习网小编


