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Learning proverbs – or sayings – are a great way to get insight and improve your English. Unfortunately, some proverbs are easy to understand and others more difficult. This article provides twenty intermediate level proverbs that are right for your level. Each proverb has a definition for you to learn the proverb. Once you have learned these twenty proverbs, match the situations to the appropriate proverb at the end of the article. Teachers can use these activities with proverbs in the classroom to help your learners.学习谚语是获得洞察力和提高英语水平的好方法。不幸的是,有些谚语容易理解,有些则更难理解。这篇文章提供了20条适合你的中级谚语。每句谚语都有一个定义供你学习。一旦你学会了这二十条谚语,就要根据文章结尾的恰当的谚语来搭配不同的情况。教师可以在课堂上用这些活动和谚语来帮助你的学习者。

After a storm comes a calm. When life is difficult, remember that things get better and calm down sooner or later.暴风雨过后是平静的。当生活困难的时候,记住事情迟早会好起来并平静下来。

Beauty is only skin-deep. Physical beauty is not the only important thing.美貌只是肤浅的。身体美不是唯一重要的。

Blood is thicker than water. People who are in your family are more important than people you meet in life.血浓于水。你家里的人比你在生活中遇到的人更重要。

Never send a boy to do a man’s job. It’s important to give important tasks to people with experience.永远不要派一个男孩去做一个男人的工作。把重要的任务交给有经验的人是很重要的。

Clothes make the man. The clothing you wear change how you appear to yourself and others.衣服造就男人。你穿的衣服会改变你在自己和别人面前的形象。

What’s done cannot be undone. Don’t worry about a mistake, you can’t change it.所做的事是无法挽回的。别担心一个错误,你不能改变它。

Half the truth is often a whole lie. Providing only certain details, and hiding others indicate that something is false.一半的真相往往是一个完整的谎言。只提供某些细节,而隐藏其他细节则表明有些东西是假的。

Great minds think alike. Used with friends to say that we are both smart.英雄所见略同。和朋友说我们都很聪明。

One hand washes the other. If I do something for you, you will do something for me.一只手洗另一只手。如果我为你做点什么,你会为我做点什么。

Every Jack has his Jill. Everyone can find the right person in life.每个杰克都有自己的吉尔。每个人都能在生活中找到合适的人。

Love makes the word go round. The most important thing in life is love.爱使世界运转。生命中最重要的是爱。

Never is a long time. Similar to ‘never say never.’ Don’t so ‘no’ to things in life. Things may change.从来都不是很长时间。类似于“从不说不”。不要对生活中的事情那么“不”。事情可能会改变。

Money talks. Money can be used to convince people that something is right or needs to be done.有钱能使鬼推磨。金钱可以用来使人们相信某事是正确的或需要做的。

Old habits die hard. Things that you do often are difficult to stop doing.旧习惯很难改掉。你经常做的事情很难停止。

Practice what you preach. You should act like you say others should act.实践你的说教。你应该表现得像别人说的那样。

One step at a time. Go slowly, be careful.一步一步。慢慢走,小心点。

Truth is stranger than fiction. Life is very surprising.事实比小说更离奇。生活是非常令人惊讶的。

Variety is the spice of life. It’s important to do many different types of things in life to make it interesting.变化是生活的调味品。在生活中做许多不同类型的事情使之有趣是很重要的。

Practice makes perfect. If you want to be good at something, you need to do it often.熟能生巧。如果你想擅长某事,你需要经常做。

When in Rome do as the Romans do. It’s important to follow the local customs when in a different location than your home.在罗马的时候要像罗马人一样。在与你家不同的地方,遵循当地的风俗习惯是很重要的。


After a storm comes a calm. I know things are difficult now, but soon things will get better and easier.暴风雨过后是平静的。我知道现在事情很困难,但很快事情就会变得越来越好。

Beauty is only skin-deep.   Don’t worry too much about your looks, you’ve got a great personality.美貌只是肤浅的。别太在意你的外表,你的个性很好。

Blood is thicker than water. Remember he’s your brother. That relationship will always remain.血浓于水。记住他是你哥哥。这种关系将永远保持下去。

Clothes make the man.We need to choose someone with more experience for this contract. It’s amazing how I feel when I put on a suit.衣服决定男人。我们需要为这份合同选择一个更有经验的人。我穿上西装的感觉真是太棒了。

What’s done cannot be undone. Stop worrying about the past and your choices.所做的事是无法挽回的。别再担心过去和你的选择。

Half the truth is often a whole lie. Even though it seemed like a good idea, the fact that he left out some details should have been a clue to the problems.一半的真相往往是一个完整的谎言。尽管这看起来是个好主意,但事实上他漏掉了一些细节应该是问题的线索。

Great minds think alike. You and I are thinking the same thing!伟大的思想是一样的。你和我的想法是一样的!

One hand washes the other. If Tom helps Peter a little, Peter will help Tom at some time in the future.一只手洗另一只手。如果汤姆帮助彼得一点,彼得将来某个时候会帮助汤姆。

Every Jack has his Jill. You will find a partner some day. It’s going to happen!每个杰克都有自己的吉尔。总有一天你会找到另一半的。一定会发生的!

Love makes the word go round. The best way to success is to treat people with respect.爱使世界运转。成功的最好方法是尊重别人。

Never is a long time. You might say you don’t want to do that job today, but tomorrow might be a different story.从来都不是很长时间。你可能会说你今天不想做那件事,但明天可能会是另一回事。

Money talks. I know he shouldn’t have won the election, but he had a lot of rich donors.有钱能使鬼推磨。我知道他不应该赢得选举,但他有很多富有的捐赠者。

Old habits die hard. I’ve tried to quit smoking many times. I just can’t do it!旧习惯很难改掉。我试过很多次戒烟。我就是做不到!

Practice what you preach. If you say that everyone needs to arrive on time, make sure that you also arrive on time.实践你的说教。如果你说每个人都需要准时到达,确保你也准时到达。

One step at a time. Things take a long time to accomplish. Take your time and do each thing well.一步一步。事情需要很长时间才能完成。慢慢来,把每件事都做好。

Truth is stranger than fiction. Sometimes I read the news and am very surprised and amused by what people do.事实比小说更离奇。有时我读到新闻,对人们的所作所为感到非常惊讶和有趣。

Variety is the spice of life. Make sure to try all sorts of things in your life. Otherwise, you’ll get bored.变化是生活的调味品。一定要尝试生活中的各种事情。否则,你会觉得无聊。

Practice makes perfect. It took years to become a good piano player.熟能生巧。成为一名优秀的钢琴演奏家花了好几年的时间。

When in Rome do as the Romans do. Watch how the people act and do the same. That way you’ll fit in no matter where you are. 在罗马的时候要像罗马人一样。看看人们是怎么做的。这样无论你在哪里你都能适应。

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