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sensation [senˈseɪʃən] 

n. 感觉;引起轰动的人或事物


Motorola’s wild new Razr is here, and it’s basically a foldable iPhone.这就是摩托罗拉全新款Razr手机,基本上就是可折叠版的苹果手机。

The first time I flip the Motorola Razr open, I hear the familiar snap as the clamshell phone unfolds into my hand. But there is no metal dial pad or black-and-white screen featured in the iconic 2004 phone, which went on to sell more than 130 million units.我第一次打开摩托罗拉Razr手机时,听到了翻盖手机展开时熟悉的啪嗒声。但这款手机上没有摩托罗拉2004标志款手机的金属按键或黑白屏幕。摩托罗拉2004标志款手机曾售出1.3亿多部。

This is the new Razr, which folds out to feature a seamless color touchscreen OLED display, albeit with the large Razr “chin” on the bottom. Then, as you close an email or hang up on a call, it snaps back shut like the 15-year-old Razr you know. 这就是新款Razr手机,它可以折叠,而且其彩色OLED触摸屏上没有任何缝隙,不过它的底部依然保留了Razr手机的大“下巴”。然后,当你看完邮件或挂断电话的时候,它就快速合上了,就像你所了解的15岁的2004款Razr手机一般。

The accomplishment is self-evident. It doesn’t appear to be some hacked-together tech demo as most folding-screen devices have to date. 这项成就一目了然。它并不像目前多数折叠屏设备那样,是拼装起来的测试版本。

The flexible display operates so well it just feels normal. And once you see the Razr’s screen is possible, every other phone will look a tiny bit dated as a result.其可弯曲的显示屏运作良好,让人觉得很正常。一旦你见过Razr手机的屏幕,你就会觉得其他手机看起来有点过时。

“I’ve been here 25 years. The first phone I worked on was the StarTAC,” recalls Glenn Schultz, vice president for innovation and product development at Motorola. “We weren’t supposed to, but you’d show it to a friend. And they literally, literally freaked out. That phone compared to everything else, they freaked out.”摩托罗拉创新及产品开发副总裁格伦·舒尔茨回忆道,“我在这里工作25年了。我开发的第一款手机是StarTAC(掌中宝)。我们本来不应该这样做的,但还是把它拿给朋友看了。他们真的很震惊。与其他手机相比,这款手机令他们很震惊。”

“And that feeling, it would motivate me down the whole path of my life and my career,” he continues as his voice cracks a bit and his eyes begin to well. “And to this day, I hadn’t felt that actually, until now with this phone.”他的声音有些沙哑,眼里噙着泪,继续说道,“那种感觉会激励我走完我的人生和事业之路。在此之前,我从未有过这样的感受,直到这款手机问世。”

I picture Schultz commuting to work each day, as Motorola—the American company that built the first cellphone, period—went through a few rough post-Razr years, was sold to Google, and then was sold to Lenovo, which still owns it today. During all that time, this was the sensation he was waiting for again.我想象着舒尔茨每天上下班的样子,从制造出第一部手机的美国公司,到Razr手机推出之后的艰辛岁月,之后摩托罗拉被卖给了谷歌,然后又被卖给了联想,目前摩托罗拉依然为联想所属公司。在这期间,他一直等待着这样的轰动。



sensation [senˈseɪʃən] 

n. 感觉;引起轰动的人或事物


The pain was so bad that she lost all sensation.  太疼了,疼得她失去了知觉。

The new book has created a great sensation.  这本新书引起了极大轰动。

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


