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保息股票  guaranteed stock
  报销  apply for reimbursement
  包销人  underwriter
  包修、包换、包赔制度  system of thee guarantees for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products
  保障措施  supporting measures
  保证金账户  margin account
  保证物流畅通  ensure unimpeded flow of goods and materials
  保值利率  index-linked interest rate; inflation-proof interest rate
  保质期,保修期  shelf (storage) life; guarantee period
  包装精美  delicately packed
  包装业  package industry
  保安员  security staff
  包产到户  contract production quotas to individual households
  保持国有股  keep the State-held shares  
  保持资本金充足  secure capital funds
  包二奶  have a concubine (originally a Cantonese expression)  
  包干到户  work contracted to households  
  包干制  overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash  
  包工包料  contract for labor and materials  
  报关员  declarant  
  报国计划的实施  implementation of Dedicator‘s Project  
  保健食品  health-care food  
  暴利  excessive profit; windfall profit
  保理业务  factoring business  
  保险费  insurance premium
  保险赔付金额  compensation pay-outs
  保险索赔  insurance claim
  保障合同和交易安全  guarantee contracts and safe dealings
  保障民众和社会免受安全威胁  protect the citizens and societies against security threats  
  保证金  margins, collateral  
  保证决策的科学化和民主化  ensure the decision-making more scientific and democratic
  保证重点支出  ensure funding for priority areas  
  保值储蓄  inflation-proof bank savings  
  被动吸烟  passive smoking; second-hand smoking
  背黑锅  become a scapegoat
  备件  spare parts  
  被叫方付费电话  reverse charge call/ collect telephone call  
  北京奥申委  Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO)  
  北京四环路  the fourth ring road in Beijing  
  《北美贸易协定》  NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)  
  背投屏幕  rear projection screen  
  备用资金  reserve fund
  北约  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)–established in April 1949–it has 15 member states and a headquarters in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.  
  北京航天指控中心  Beijing Aerospace Control Centre
  北欧投资银行  Nordic Investment Bank  
  被摘牌的公司  delisted company  
  本垒打  circuit clout, four-master, round trip  
  本命年  one‘s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches  
  笨鸟先飞  A slow sparrow should make an early start.  
  本票  cashier‘s cheque

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


