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horoscope 星座 house 宫位 planet 行星

  The first house belongs to the first sign, which is Aries. The second house to Taurus. The third to Gemini, the fourth to Cancer. The fifth to Leo. The sixth Virgo. The seventh to Libra, the eighth to Scorpio. The ninth to Sagittarius, the tenth go Capricorn. The eleventh to Aquarius, and the twelfth, to Pisces. 

  These house and sign relationships are harmonious to each other, and lucky is the person who is born with the signs posited in their rightful houses. 

  Since people are born every day in the year, and the constant journey of signs and planets is unceasing as the train moves through the houses around the Zodiac, it is quite usual for births to occur in heavenly houses harboring , at that moment, an antagonistic sign to that particular house.
For this reason many lives carry a spirit of discord throughout the span. It is said that a lack of ability to accept and conform to the world we live in shows a poor quality of mind. Many of the people who cannot adjust themselves to their environment might be better able to do so had they an understanding of their natal horoscope.

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


