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7 years ago, when I was 24,七年前,我24岁的时候

my wife was killed in a horrible car accident,我妻子在一场可怕的车祸中去世了

leaving me in complete shock and grief我被抛入了剧烈的震惊与悲恸之中  

I became a single father to our 2 kids变成了两个孩子的单亲爸爸

at the time they were 1 and 3 years old.那时他们一个只有1岁,一个只有3岁

I didn’t have any post high school education我只有一份小小的高中文凭

and was working as a construction worker. 职业是建筑工人

Before my wife passed away, 在妻子去世前

we both worked full time我们都有全职的工作

and were able to rent a small but nice house.赚的钱还足以租下一件虽然小,却很温馨的公寓

But as a single working parent, 可是,成为唯一赚钱养家的单亲爸爸后

I could hardly make ends meet 我难以应付家里的开支

and had to move in to a tiny apartment.一家人不得不搬到一个逼仄的小公寓里

That Christmas, when I didn’t have enough money left over to get my kids the gifts they deserved, 那年的圣诞节,我拿不出足够的钱去为孩子们买他们应得的圣诞礼物,这时我才知道

I really knew I had to do something.我知道,自己必须得做点什么才行

I started taking college classes at night我开始读夜校研修大学学位

while working 2 jobs,同时还做着两份工作

and after five long years, 五年漫长的时间之后

I graduated with a BS in mechanical engineering我终于获得了机械工程专业的学士学位

and got a job making 6 figures.还得到了 一份薪资6位数的工作

I bought a nice house with a huge yard for my kids to play in, 我买下了 一幢大房子,屋前还有一个宽阔的院子,可以让孩子们玩耍

built them a treehouse, 我还给孩子们搭了一个树屋

and have enough time off to spend plenty of time with them. 工作空余的时间也很多,可以陪伴孩子们

Last week, 上星期

I took them on a camping trip in the mountains.我带着孩子们到山里宿营

It’s not until now直到此时

that I really let myself believe that I actually did it.我才得以确信,我真的做到了

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


