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I was asked if I am any good with phones有人问我,我会不会使用手机

by an elderly man问我的是一位老爷爷

as he was trying to open a picture message他正试图打开一个图片文件

 that his granddaughter had sent.图片是他的孙女发来的

I took a look at his phone我看了一眼他的手机

which was a really old Nokia.原来是一个款式十分古早的诺基亚

As he didn’t have a smart phone由于他没有智能手机

I told him that he wouldn’t be able to view it.我告诉他,他看不到这张图片

He was gutted 他十分沮丧

and went on to tell me又告诉我

that it was a photo of his granddaughter and her new baby那是他孙女的照片

who he hadn’t seen yet他还没有见过小重孙

as they live in another city.因为他们住在另一个城市


I forwarded the message to my phone我把图片转发到我自己的手机上

and eventually managed to open the picture.终于成功打开了这张图片

He was so emotional seeing his great granddaughter for the first time第一次看到自己的小重孙,他百感交集

and you could see his love for them both through his teary eyes.从他含着眼泪的眼睛,你可以看到他对母子两人的爱意

The man insisted on giving me £20这个老人坚持要给我20元钱

to treat my daughter to a toy让我给我女儿买一个玩具

as a thank you for helping him,作为帮助他的答谢

which I insisted I didn’t want,我坚持拒绝

but he was having none of it.但他执意如此

So, I asked him to wait there于是,我请他等我一下

and I went to boots and printed the photo for him用一个程序为他把图片打印出来

and ended up buying a frame for it too.随后又为这张照片买了一个相框

When I returned with the framed photo,当我带着装裱好的照片回到他身边时

he was so happy,他开心极了

literally overwhelmed .简直是喜不自胜

This just made my day to make someone so happy.能让他如此开心,我的这一天也十分高兴

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


