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BEC中级真题第5辑:Test 3-Part Three(4)

今天小编为大家准备了BEC中级真题第5辑精听:Test 3-Part Three(4),一起来做听力练习吧!


That centre now gets the right products to the right place at the right time, virtually one hundred per cent of the time. That’s better than we’ve managed to achieve elsewhere, and contributes to the high degree of satisfaction in the stores it services


With Performance Management, the desired behaviour becomes routine, so it gives a long-term payoff. And once employees understand their roles more clearly, and have changed the way they work, it’s much easier to agree on realistic objectives. This makes it less likely that the company has to cut costs, or take other emergency measures.


To round off, let me say that Performance Management has really transformed Best Value. And the important thing to remember is that it works for everyone.

最后,我想说,绩效管理确实改变了Best Value。重要的是要记住它对每个人都适用。

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


