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Chinese netizens surprised at international popularity of ‘Xue Hua Piao Piao’中国网民对“雪花飘飘”的海外爆红感到惊讶

Chinese netizens have expressed surprise that the classic Chinese song “Yi Jian Mei” (original name of “Xue Hua Piao Piao”) has become the first Chinese song to go viral in the US and other Western countries and become an international meme on social media platforms such as Tik Tok and Twitter, with many of them saying that the internet sometimes helps promote cultural exchange in unexpected ways.经典歌曲《一剪梅》(“雪花飘飘”的原名)成为第一首在美国和其他西方国家爆红的中文歌曲,并在抖音、推特等社交媒体平台上成为国际模因,中国网民对此表示惊讶,许多人表示,互联网时常会以意想不到的方式促进文化交流。

Recently, a video known as ” Asian Man Singing in the Snow ” or “Xue Hua Piao Piao” (the lyrics of the song performed in the video), depicting an Asian man with an egg-shaped head performing Yi Jian Mei – which means plum blossom branch – while twirling in the snow and filming himself has gained mainstream popularity, according to a report by internet memes research website Know Your Meme.据网络模因研究网站Know Your Meme的一份报告显示,最近一段名为“亚洲人在雪中唱歌”或“雪花飘飘”(视频中演唱的歌词)的视频成为了主流热门,视频中一个蛋头亚洲人在雪中旋转并自拍自己表演《一剪梅》(意为梅花枝)。

Yi Jian Mei was first sung by the singer-songwriter Fei Yu-ching from the island of Taiwan in 1983 and has been extremely popular for decades in Chinese culture. The video of the song on YouTube had been viewed over 16 million times as of Monday, after it became popular in the English-speaking world. 《一剪梅》是1983年由台湾的创作型歌手费玉清所演唱,几十年来在中国文化中一直非常受欢迎。这首歌的视频在西方国家大受欢迎,截止到周一,YouTube上的点击量已经超过了1600万次。

It was also trending in many countries’ music lists, including those in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and New Zealand.它也登上了许多国家的音乐榜单,包括芬兰、瑞典、挪威和新西兰。

The original video was first posted by user zaq13520000789 on Kuaishou, a short video platform, as early as January 20, and gained almost 3 million views and more than 8,600 comments as of Monday after YouTube user Goated Beats uploaded the clip four weeks ago.1月20日由用户zaq13520000789在快手上发布,YouTube用户Goated Beats在4周前上传了这段视频。截止到周一,这段视频已有近300万点击量和8600多条评论。

After the video went viral, many TikTokers remixed the song and created a deep-fried meme trend to pair it with Tik Tok, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Some internet users even made rap videos mixed with Yi Jian Mei and Wild for the Night performed by Skrillex or a clip from the Regular Show. 这段视频在网上爆红后,许多TikTok粉丝将这首歌重新混音,并将其与TikTok、YouTube、Twitter和Instagram结合起来,形成了一种火爆一时的流行趋势。一些网友甚至制作了说唱视频,将《一剪梅》和Skrillex版《Wild for the Night》或《日常工作》中的片段编辑在一起。

The news attracted the attention of many Chinese internet users, even though many of them felt confused over the song’s sudden popularity.这一消息引起了许多中国网民的关注,他们中的许多人对这首歌的突然走红感到不解。

“Why has a long-time Chinese song that didn’t reach the mainstream in the US become well-known at this time?” one netizen asked, adding that “I still don’t get it after seeing the video of the egg-like man in the snow.”一位网友问道:“为什么一首长期未在美国流行的中文歌曲在这个时候变得家喻户晓?”他还补充道:“看了原版蛋头亚洲人的视频后,我还是不懂。”

“It is because of the egg-like man’s hilarious physical deformity. People in the West may find it hilarious and like repeating it, as it’s mysterious and exotic,” another replied. “It is just for fun.”另一位网友回应:“这是因为这个长得像鸡蛋的人的外形就让人忍俊不禁。西方人可能会觉得很好笑,而且喜欢重复这个片段,因为它很神秘,而且有异国情调。这只是图个乐。”

Although many netizens said they would never have thought that this quintessentially Chinese song could catch the attention of many people from the West, they admitted that its remixed raps sound good.尽管许多网友表示,他们从未想过这首典型的中文歌曲会吸引很多西方人的关注,但他们承认它的混音说唱版听起来不错。

“Social media does help foster cultural exchanges between countries with totally different backgrounds, though in unexpected ways sometimes. You never know when and how a certain song suddenly becomes popular,” one commented.网友评论道:“社交媒体确实有助于促进完全不同背景的国家之间的文化交流,尽管有时会以意想不到的方式发生。你永远不知道某首歌是什么时候,以何种方式突然流行起来的。”

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


