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I live in the mountains of West Virginia.我住在弗吉尼亚西部的山区

The curvy, winding roads山路蜿蜒曲折

and the vast woodlands山林广袤

often lead to near misses with the local deer.车辆长长与山中冲出来的鹿擦肩而过

The other day有一天

I was driving my son我开车带着儿子

to work at the sheltered workshop送他去工坊干活

when we saw a deer in the road我们在公路上看到一只鹿

that hadn’t been so lucky.已经没了生机

The driver in front of me开在前面的车的司机

suddenly swerved突然转向

to avoid hitting the corpse避免撞到鹿的尸体

and I quickly followed him我很快做出同样的操作

jerking the steering wheel猛地一转方向盘

to get back in the right lane想要回到右边的车道

before the next blind curve.赶在下一个视野不佳的弯道出现之前

I could see that我能看到

the way the dead deer was lying between two blind curves死掉的鹿正躺在两个视野不佳的弯道中间

we had an accident waiting to happen.我们很可能在那里遇到车祸

After dropping my son off我把儿子送到目的地之后

I hurried back我赶紧掉头开回来

and saw the deer was still in the road.发现那头死鹿还呆在路上

There was a wide spot我发现一处宽敞的空地

on the side of the road.就在路边

I pulled over.我停下车

I got out of my car我下了车

and walked up to where the deer was.步行走到死鹿躺着的地方

Looking both ways for cars向两边看了一下是否有车辆来去

I ran over to the body.接着就跑到鹿的尸体旁边

It was laying in a pool of blood and excrement.它躺在血泊中间,血泊中还有许多污秽

I reached down我躬身

and grabbed its broken hind leg.抓住了它已经折断的后腿

I backed up quickly我很快往后退

dragging it behind me后面拖着那头鹿

to the side of the road.来到了路边

I looked down at the majestic animal我低头看着这体型庞大的动物

as I wiped off my hands in the wet snow by the guardrail .在护栏边湿漉漉的积雪中擦干净手上的血迹

“So sorry my friend,”“真对不起,伙伴”

I said to him.我对那头鹿说

I sadly walked back to my car我怀着悲伤走回自己的车

knowing that知道

the crows, buzzards, and other scavengers 乌鸦,秃鹫,还有其他的食腐动物

would soon take care of the remains.很快就会把它的遗骸处理干净

I was still thinking of that beautiful deer我一直想着那只原本美丽的鹿

later in the day那天晚些时候

when I turned on my computer.我打开自己的电脑

As it came on屏幕亮时

I smiled with surprise and delight.我吃了一惊,欣喜微笑了

I had forgotten what我已然忘了

my most recent screen saver was:自己最近设置的屏图片

a picture of a deer是一只鹿

in a field of wild flowers它站在一丛野花中

staring at the sunrise.抬头看着日出

I wondered if我心想

that deer’s spirit或许那头鹿

was in a heavenly meadow right now此刻已经在某个仙境的草地上

perhaps romping或许它正在嬉戏

and playing with some of my own furry friends抑或正在与许多我的毛茸茸的朋友们玩耍

who had passed.它们都已离我而去

I wondered too我还在想

about the time I had left here.自己在这个世间还有多少时间

Would it be days, months, or many years?是几天,几个月,还是许多年?

I shook my head,我摇摇头

laughed and decided that笑着笃信道

it didn’t matter这无关紧要

just as long as只要

I lived the time在余下的光阴里

I had left with love, kindness, and joy.我都怀着爱意,善良和喜悦过下去

May you do the same.希望你也是如此

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


