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  计时工资制  time-rate wage system
  纪实文学  documentary writing  
  纪实小说  documentary fiction
  寄售  commission sale
  技术产权交易所  technology equity market; technology property right exchange  
  技术成果商品化  commercialization of technological achievements
  技术储备  technological reserve  
  技术创新  technological innovation
  技术改造  technological transformation
  技术攻关  strive to make technological breakthrough
  技术工人  technician; skilled worker
  技术集约企业  technology-intensive enterprise
  技术交底  technical disclosure
  技术密集产品  technology-intensive product  
  技术密集型  technology-intensive
  技术下乡   spread technological knowledge to farmers  
  技术依托  technical backstopping  
  技术有偿转让  transfer of technology with compensation
  集束炸弹  cluster bomb
  技术职称  technical title
  技术转让  technology transfer
  集思广益  draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas
  缉私力量  the forces engaged in the fight against smuggling  
  计算机化战争  computerized war
  计算机集成制造系统  computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS)
  计算机辅助教学  computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
  计算机辅助学习  computer-aided learning (CAL)
  计算机中央处理器  central processing unit(CPU)  
  计算机网络信息中心  computer network information center
  挤提  bank run
  集体承包  be contracted to collectives; collective contract
  集体观念  groupism; collective spirit
  集体婚礼  collective wedding ceremony; group wedding  
  集体经济  collective economy
  集体领导和个人分工负责相结合的制度  system combining collective leadership with individual responsibility  
  集体所有制  collective ownership
  集团消费  institutional spending
  既往不咎,忘掉旧嫌  let bygones be bygones

关于作者: 英语学习网小编


